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When Do Puppies Open Their Eyes? 

Puppies: When Do Puppies Open Their Eyes?

Let’s explore the fascinating stages of when puppies open their eyes and delve into some frequently asked questions surrounding this adorable process.

Stages of Puppy Eye Development

Closed Eyes (Birth to Week 2):

During the first weeks of a puppy’s life, their eyes remain tightly shut. While their eyes are closed, puppies are dependent on their mother for warmth, nourishment, and protection.

Partial Opening (Week 2 to 3):

Around the end of the second week, you may notice some subtle changes as the puppies’ eyelids begin to loosen. At this stage, they might peek out briefly, but their vision is still quite limited. The process of their eyes gradually opening continues throughout the third week, offering glimpses into the world around them.

Eyes Wide Open (Week 3 to 4):

By the time puppies reach three to four weeks of age, their eyes should be fully open, revealing the world in all its glory. This milestone marks an exciting time as the puppies become more aware of their surroundings and begin to explore their environment with newfound curiosity.

Variations Among Breeds

While the general timeline for eye opening remains consistent across most breeds, there can be variations. Some breeds may open their eyes slightly earlier or later than others, but this is typically within the expected range of development.

Assisting with Eye Opening

It’s natural to feel eager to witness the moment when puppies open their eyes, but it’s essential to allow nature to take its course. Avoid attempting to force their eyes open prematurely, as this can cause harm and disrupt the natural process of development.

Changing Eye Colors

In the early stages, puppies’ eyes may appear blue or gray, but this can change as they grow older. The final eye color may not be evident until several weeks or even months after birth, so don’t be surprised if you notice shifts in hue over time.

Touching Newborn Puppies

While it’s crucial to handle newborn puppies with care, gentle interaction can help them become accustomed to human touch. However, avoid touching their delicate eyes until they have fully opened to prevent any potential damage.

Development of Other Senses

Alongside their visual development, puppies are also refining their other senses, including hearing and smell. As their eyesight improves, they’ll begin to rely less on touch and scent, transitioning to a more visually oriented perception of the world.

Walking and Ear Opening

Around the same time that puppies’ eyes open, they may also start to take their first wobbly steps. This developmental milestone typically occurs between two to three weeks of age, accompanied by the gradual unfolding of their ears.

Feeding Milestones

At one week old, puppies are entirely dependent on their mother’s milk for nourishment. As they grow, they’ll gradually transition to solid food, with most puppies starting to nibble on softened kibble by around three to four weeks of age.

Hearing Development

While puppies’ ears may appear closed at birth, their hearing begins to develop early on. By the second week, they can detect sounds, and their hearing continues to improve over the following weeks.

Rottweiler Puppies

Rottweiler puppies follow a similar developmental timeline to other breeds, with their eyes typically opening between two to three weeks of age. However, each puppy is unique, so slight variations may occur.

Full Eye Opening

Around the three to four-week mark, puppies’ eyes should be fully open, allowing them to see clearly. If you notice any concerns or delays in eye opening, consult with a veterinarian for guidance.

Two-Week-Old Puppies

At two weeks old, puppies are beginning to grow more active and aware of their surroundings. They may start to engage in playful behaviors and interactions with their littermates.

One-Week-Old Puppies

During their first week of life, puppies spend the majority of their time nursing and sleeping. Their mother provides constant care and protection, ensuring they remain healthy and content.


The journey of when puppies open their eyes is a remarkable process filled with growth, discovery, and countless moments of joy. By understanding the stages of puppy eye development and providing gentle support along the way, you can help ensure that each precious pup reaches their full potential.


When can you touch a newborn puppy?

It’s best to minimize handling newborn puppies during the first week of life to avoid stressing the mother or causing injury to the delicate pups. Wait until they are at least a week old before gently handling them.

What week do puppies start to walk and open their eyes?

Puppies typically start to walk and open their eyes between weeks two and three of life. However, the exact timing can vary slightly among individual puppies.

What to expect with two-week-old puppies?

At two weeks old, puppies are becoming more active and aware of their surroundings. They may start to move around more, albeit still unsteadily, and their eyes may begin to partially open.

What should one-week-old puppies be doing?

During their first week of life, puppies primarily nurse and sleep. They rely entirely on their mother for warmth, nourishment, and care.

When do puppies walk?

Puppies typically begin to take their first wobbly steps between two and three weeks of age as their leg muscles strengthen and coordination improves.

When do puppies open their ears?

Puppies’ ears usually begin to open around the same time as their eyes, between two and three weeks of age. This allows them to start responding to sounds in their environment.

When do puppies start eating food?

Puppies usually start to transition from solely nursing to eating solid food between three and four weeks of age. Initially, the food may need to be softened with water to make it easier for them to consume.

When do puppies open their eyes and ears?

Puppies typically open their eyes and ears around two to three weeks of age. This marks an exciting milestone in their development as they become more visually and auditorily aware of their surroundings.

When do puppies start hearing?

Puppies’ hearing begins to develop early on, with some responsiveness to sound emerging as early as the second week of life. Their hearing continues to improve over the following weeks.

When do Rottweiler puppies open their eyes?

Rottweiler puppies follow a similar developmental timeline to other breeds, with their eyes typically opening between two to three weeks of age.

When do puppies’ eyes open fully?

Puppies’ eyes usually open fully by around three to four weeks of age, allowing them to see clearly and explore their environment with greater awareness.



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